Imagining they are astronauts, students will write a newspaper article about their first day in space.
View Activity →8 Minutes to Space
Principia Space Diary
Activity 1.2
This creative writing exercise is accompanied by an audio writing prompt (via Zappar) of astronaut Richard Garriott describing how it feels to launch for the first time. Students are encouraged to write an emotive piece, encouraging personal expression and development of literacy skills.

Support Materials
- Richard Garriott on being an Astronaut
We asked Richard Garriott to share his experiences of going to space - Principia launch highlights
- Richard Garriot describes the moments before launch
- Animated clip explaining layers of the Earth's atmosphere
- Overview video of Tim Peake's launch day
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Breaking News
Send a Postcard to Space
Write a postcard to the astronauts on the ISS and let them know you've made it back to Earth safely.
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