Watch Astronaut Tim Peake Return to Earth

Saturday 18th June is the big day when Tim Peake returns to Earth after six months on the International Space Station. Tim will return in a Soyuz capsule, along with crewmates Yuri Malenchenko and Tim Kopra. He’s due to land in Kazakhstan at 10.15am BST.

Watch Astronaut Tim Peake Return to Earth

Watch the Soyuz undocking, re-entry and landing LIVE

Coverage starts at 4.00am BST on Saturday 18th June. Watch all the key events, from the time Tim enters to Soyuz capsule until he reaches Earth. 

When to tune in (BST)

Your quick guide to re-entry timeline shown in British Summer Tim (GMT+)


04:00   Farewell and hatch closing. Crew members will then change into their Sokul spacesuits.

06:15    Soyuz capsule undocks from the ISS.

09:15    Deorbit burn to place Soyuz capsule on its re-entry trajectory.

09:49    Soyuz capsule separates from the orbital module and the heat shield peels away layer by layer.

10:00    Parachutes deploy.

10:15     Soft Landing Engines are fired and the Soyuz capsule lands.

Post-landing schedule (BST)

On landing, the recovery team will help Tim and his crewmates from the capsule. The astronauts will then undergo medical checks.

12:45                  Crew will fly in helicopters to Karaganda airport.

14:15-14:45      Crew arrives at Karaganda airport for a welcome ceremony, followed by a press conference.

15:00-16:00    Tim Peake will fly to the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne.

Landing Parties

Celebrate Tim Peake’s return on Saturday June 18th at one of these exciting events!

London Science Museum (free event)

National Space Centre (£20-25)

Aberdeen Science Centre (£4.50-5.75)

Cambridge Science Centre (£2.50-3.50)

Glasgow Science Centre (£9-11)

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium (£8.40-12)

Having your own Landing Party?

If you’re celebrating Tim Peake’s return we would love to see what you get up to!  Send us your photos via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use the #SpaceDiary to make sure we see them! You can also email us at Remember to get parental/guardian permission before you post photos of your students. If you can’t get permissions we’d love to see pictures of their books!

From all of us at Space Diary Headquarters, safe journey back to Earth, Tim Peake, and thanks for sharing your mission with us! #WelcomeHomeTim

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