Teacher Feedback and Testimonials

The second edition of the Principia Space Diary is better than ever, thanks to the feedback and suggestions we have received from teachers over the course of the programme.

Teacher Feedback and Testimonials

Each and every comment has made a difference and has kept the Space Diary team motivated! Here is an anonymised selection of your comments. Thank you!

“Such a great experience for our children. I feel like they have been a part of something really special!”

“Fantastic resource – thank you! Please do it again!”

“Really delighted to have used the diaries. This programme has really engaged our pupils enthusiasm for Science and learning about space.”

“Great way to engage children in Tims journey – wonderful!”

“Have shared with other schools as part of Primary Science Quality Mark”

“The school really loved the space diaries and we also adapted some of the ideas for our early years children who loved learning about spaced.”

“Truly inspired the children to think about astronomy and what it is to be an astronaut and scientist.”

“It was fantastic, thank you so much! I was involved in linking schools STEM training this year and the diaries were great evidence for how to link science and writing. Many teachers in other schools were envious of the books.”

“The whole programme has been a fantastic experience for our children and I know one they will remember. The book will provide a lasting reminder of the events of 2015-16 and they will be able to share their memories of Major Tim’s adventures with future generations.”

“Thank you for such an excellent learning resource!”

“A really fantastic engaging project , thank you so much”

“Thank you for giving our children (homeschoolers included!) a chance to engage in the history of the ISS and for helping them to realise there is a whole world out there to go and explore!”

“We were very late to sign up but I have nothing but praise for the quality of the learning materials and the email support offered. My class were very sad that it has come to an end but at the same time knowing what Tim has achieved has been very powerful for them . He is a brilliant role model for all children.”

“Thank you for a truly inspirational programme which really brought space to life for my KS1 class. Thank you also to Tim Peake for bringing space down to this level for them and fostering exciting and curiosity. Certainly bridged the ages when we designed a step for him as the end of our diary on grandparents day. It was lovely to hear old and young discussing something relevant so easily.”

“Just more of the same please. As home educators this was a wonderful resource for us. We all enjoyed it as a family. Our children are extremely proud of their diaries and will keep them for years to come. They will always remember Tim Peake and his first mission on the ISS. Thank you.”

“Thanks – my class loved it”

“Thank you. We have all loved waiting for the videos as they’ve been released. A great resource

“I have been teaching for more than 30 years, and after working with your program I have for the first time heard 1 student say they want to become an astronaut. Thank you all for helping me to inspire my students.”

“What a brilliant free resource-thank you.”

“It was a very good programme that got my kids working in areas they usually avoid.”

“Thank you for making our Space topic so exciting this year. I passed on the information to the local Beaver and Cub groups and they ran it too, so lots of excitement here in Dorset.”

“Just a big thank you for letting us have the chance to take part in this and all of the information/videos really engaged the children.”

“It was a brilliant program which the children thoroughly enjoyed. The resources & support materials were very good. The children loved the badges at the back. Thank you.”

“It was an excellently put together programme, relatively flexible and inspired discussion and other interest”

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